Oxygen - Ozone Therapy
| O3
Therapy for Prevention | Used
To Treat | How
Does Ozone Work | Healing
Crisis |
- Oxygen Therapy for Prevention
Ozone is a powerful therapeutic tool for curing disease, but
it is equally
important for the PREVENTION of disease. Hundreds of
different diseases named by allopathy are but symptoms of
one underlying cause. That cause, as proven by two-time
Nobel Prizewinner Dr. Otto Warburg, is hypoxia, or oxygen
starvation at the cellular level. This is the cause of
degenerative disease (cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis,
multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, etc.). Ozone both treats and
prevents most communicable diseases as well (mumps, measles,
influenza, cholera, tropical fevers, etc.). We hear much in
the media about
necrotizing fasciitis, hamburger disease, Ebola virus,
tuberculosis, etc. and their incurability. Yet all these
diseases are treated by ozone.
Regular use of ozone in the home can provide high levels of
immunity from most common diseases, and relegate
immunization to the dustbin of history. Our present
allopathic health system is disintegrating under financial
stress, and it can be replaced by prevention through the use
of ozone, supplemented by ozone injection for serious cases,
and emergency room hospitals for accident victims. This
system will be far less expensive than our present system,
where 90% of our health dollar is spent in the last year of
life, trying to undo a lifetime of toxic buildup.
The human body is 2/3 water. Of that, 90% is lymph and 10%
is blood. The cell functions by burning sugar in oxygen to
provide energy. The waste products are carbon dioxide and
water. If there is insufficient oxygen at the cellular
level, for whatever reason, the burn will be incomplete, and
carbon monoxide and lactic acid will be formed. The body
cannot quickly rid itself of monoxide; it prevents
hemoglobin from picking up fresh oxygen, and the body
temperature is lowered. The lactic acid will build up in the
system, clogging the nerve pathways, eventually calcifying
and causing degeneration. More oxygen is
required to come in and oxidize these toxins, but if it is
not available, they build up. The blood will carry a heavy
load of sludge, and toxins will be deposited in the fat. The
water that surrounds each cell gets dirtier and dirtier.
Disease is the result. This is where ozone shines -- in
eliminating toxicity from the body. Ozone taken on a daily
basis, will, over time, clean all the fluid of the body,
Women have an advantage, in that vaginal insufflation
requires no preparation, and can be administered for very
long periods of time, up to an hour. The gas will usually
find its way into the uterus, out the Fallopian tubes and
then into the abdominal cavity. Yeast problems and pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID) can be addressed in this way.
This is also a good way of getting ozone into the lymph
For men, cleaning the lymph is not as easy, and requires use
of a body suit or a steam cabinet. The body suit is a
less-than-popular esthetic experience. The Sonnet II steam
cabinet, however, is a pleasurable experience. Because of
the moist heat, the pores are open, and the capillaries are
dilated. The ozone enters through the skin and oxidizes
toxins in the fat, the lymph and the blood, including
adrenaline. The oxidized toxins are sweated back out,
avoiding the dump of toxins to the liver and colon which can
bring on the symptoms of toxin shock. Instead the person
emerges from the steam cabinet feeling extremely
relaxed and mellow, and ready for bed. This is an ideal way
of counteracting the stress of the day.
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