Gayle Victory, massage therapy, medical intuitive, spiritual healer, holistic health, alternative

Trinity Table


O3 Therapy
Trinity Table, spiritual healing, energy balancing, reiki
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 Trinity Table - Spiritual Healing, Energy Balancing, Reiki

| How Does The Trinity Table Work? |

TRINITY TABLE - Spiritual Healing, Energy Balancing, Reiki

You will feel a gentle back-to-the-womb, floating in space
experience allowing a deep state of relaxation to occur very
rapidly. During the experience, the lower Alpha, Theta and even
Delta state can be achieved, with the help of a trained
facilitator. The Theta state is only reached a few moments
during deep sleep or by a proficient meditator. True Delta is
normally virtually impossible to achieve. Scientific research
has determined that within the lower Theta and optimally in the
Delta is where the perfect Healing state occurs. The most
apparent condition experienced is the elevation and balancing
of the subject's "Energetic System".

When your "Energetic System" is balanced, the result is a
dramatic outward (physical manifestation) correction or
improvement in your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual
wellness. Consistent results and effects have occurred in
thousands of sessions from coast to coast.

Many clients and students of the Trinity Center include
traditional and alternative medical professionals, ministers,
theologians and a diversity of Spiritual/Energy Healing

When someone experiences the Trinity Table, the overwhelming
majority of the time, the comments range from "wonderful - my
body feels so light and invigorated", "I don't have a worry
in the world", "wow! my pain is almost gone", "I held hands
with the angels" to "I saw my true self... now I know".

Book your appointment now!




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